Monday, December 16, 2013

Today's Maxwell Quote

From A Time to Choose (1972), 63-64:
Jacob urges each of us: "Think of your brethren like unto yourselves, and be familiar with all and free with your substance, that they may be rich like unto you." The principle of imparting of our substance after we know what others specifically need is a concept that ought to be operative in our lives. Nor is our "substance" limited to material goods. As President Harold B. Lee has counseled, others often need fellowshipping more than food, and rapport with another human more than raiment.

The size and compartmentalization of our social environment often result in our touching others without feeling them. It is an environment in which indifference is institutionalized, and we often know others only as functions. It is, therefore, easy for us to fulfill one of Moroni's prophecies when he asked why we let those with obvious needs "pass by you, and notice them not." It is a special challenge for a Mormon in megalopolis to notice his brothers and be familiar with their needs. We so often depersonalize our assistance to others that we might be called "checkbook Christians." We pay our taxes and offerings and unintentionally move away from the personal acts of brotherhood which Jacob and Mormon prescribed.